Memorable Conversations

I am often afraid that 10 years from now (realistically more like one week from now) I will look back and not be able to recall any memorable conversations I have shared with my kiddos.  I have told myself several times to record their words down on paper so as not to forget.  My blog is our family diary so this is the perfect place to share and keep memorable conversations forever.  I have even found a great way to print my blog into a book.  Check out

Recent Conversations:

Elize and I were reading a bedtime book about how one person can play many different roles during their lifetime (sister, friend, mom, etc).  I explained to Elize that not only was I her Mommy but I am also a daughter to Mimi & Gpa, a sister to Aunt Becka, and an Aunt to all of her cousins.  She sat quietly on my lap soaking in the words and then responded, “I just want you to be my Mommy.”  I asked her what makes me her Mommy.  “You make me scrambled eggs for breakfast, you buy me purple clothes, you take me to Mrs. McKee, you water plants with me outside, you take me for bike rides, you swing with me on the swings, you read to me about David & Goliath, you rock me in my chair, and you sing me songs in my crib.”  My heart completely melted.  I love that she could list all the special things we do together.  In my sweet Elize’s three year-old world, this is why I am her Mom and nothing else.

Recently as a family we practiced a fire drill.  For days following, Ian was scared about our home catching on fire.  At bedtime I asked Ian, “Who is in charge of everything?”  (I wanted his answer to be God.  I was going to assure him that God is in control and our protector).  Ian answered, “Dad is in charge.”  Then I questioned him again hoping he would give the answer I was probing for.  “Ian, who is the boss of all?”   He paused for a few moments and then replied, “Ok  Mom, you are the boss of all.”  I laughed very hard and decided to take advantage of his answer and teach him another important lesson.  “Yes Ian, Mom is the boss of all.”

On a car ride home from school Elize was tired and throwing a huge fit.  I firmly informed her, “Elize you are melting.”   With tears in her eyes she replied, “like a snowman?” 

As I snuggled Ian in bed he asked, “Mom, when do people get married?”  I carefully took my time to think of  the right answer.  Before I could reply Ian spoke up, “I know not until after you kiss the girl you like!”  Aah, I hope he thinks this all the way through high school.  More importantly, I’d better pray he doesn’t kiss a girl until then too!

Haley has been thinking a lot lately about what she wants to be when she grows up. “Mom, I really love animals but I do not want to be a veterinarian.  They have to give animals shots and do gross stuff.”  I suggested, “What about an animal rescuer?”  Haley replied, “No, they have to see animals who are hurt badly and that makes me sad.”  Then, I thought I had a brilliant idea, “What about an animal trainer?”  Quickly she answered, “Nope I just want to do something with animals where you play all day.”  Exhausted from our conversation I said, “Haley, I guess a pet owner. You do know that is not a paying job though?”  Haley confidently replied, “That is Ok with me.  My husband will work and I will own pets.”  Perfect I thought, I will have an animal loving, unemployed 18 year-old someday.  At least, she will be a happy, satisfied pet owner.


  1. Marilee
    Posted February 7, 2012 at 11:50 pm | Permalink

    Love this, Jenn!!

  2. Beth
    Posted March 3, 2012 at 10:23 am | Permalink

    My favorite post yet, Jenn! I have the same thoughts..that is something I want to do as well. We do tend to forget all of those precious gems of moments!

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